How to Remove and Prevent Limescale Buildup in Your Home

Limescale buildup can be a real nuisance and eyesore in the home. From bathtubs and shower heads to sinks, dishwashers, and faucets, limescale can build up quickly and create an expensive repair or replacement bill. But don’t worry—there are some easy ways to remove and prevent limescale buildup in your home.

What is Limescale?

Limescale is a chalky deposit that forms when calcium-rich hard water evaporates away from any surface. It is most likely to form on surfaces that come into contact with water frequently such as bathroom fixtures, showers, dishwashers and washing machines. It can also form inside pipes, leading to clogged drains and problems with the plumbing system.

How Can You Remove Limescale?

The good news is that limescale is relatively easy to remove from surfaces in your home using natural products or store-bought lime scale removers. Here are some tips for removing limescale:

  • Vinegar: One of the most effective ways to remove limescale is by using white vinegar; simply pour vinegar into a spray bottle and spray it over the affected area. Leave for about ten minutes before wiping clean with a damp cloth – repeat if necessary.
  • Lemon Juice: Another natural solution for removing limescale from hard surfaces around the house is lemon juice; simply apply the juice directly onto the affected area and leave for around 10 minutes before rinsing off with warm water.
  • Baking Soda: Baking soda can also be used to tackle stubborn limescale build-up; mix baking soda with a small amount of water until it forms a paste then apply directly onto the affected area before leaving overnight. The next day simply wipe away with a damp cloth – repeat if necessary.
  • Commercial Descalers: If you need to tackle tough build-up, commercial descaling products are available which will help to break down deposits quickly and easily without damaging surfaces. Simply follow the instructions provided on the product packaging for best results.

 How To Prevent Limescale Buildup In Your Home?

There are some steps you can take in order to reduce or even eliminate future limescale build up in your home, such as:

  • Install A Water Softener: If your home has hard water then installing a water softening system can help reduce limescale deposits significantly by reducing mineral content in your water supply. Not only will this reduce scale buildup inside pipes but it will also make cleaning easier since soap suds last longer when added to soft rather than hard water! 
  • Use Homemade Cleaners Instead Of Commercially Produced Ones: Many conventional cleaning products contain harsh chemicals which can contribute towards scale buildup over time so it’s worth investing in more natural alternatives such as baking soda or vinegar-based solutions instead of traditional chemical cleaners where possible! 
  • Reduce The Temperature Of Your Hot Water Tank: Setting your hot water tank at slightly lower temperatures (around 55 degrees Celsius) will also help reduce mineral deposits from forming at higher temperatures – just remember not too low though as this may cause bacteria growth! 
  • Clean Regularly And Thoroughly : Finally, regular cleaning routines are essential for preventing any kind of buildup over time; make sure you regularly clean areas prone to scale buildup such as bathrooms, showers, basins etc., paying particular attention to any areas where there already may be signs of scaling occurring! 


Lime scale build up doesn’t have to be an issue – with these simple tips you can keep your appliances, fixtures, and pipes free from deposits while making cleaning much easier too! Remember – prevention is always better than cure so make sure you take all necessary steps now in order to avoid further costly repairs or replacements later on down the line!